Our fund selection
For information on the funds that can be selected for you, please enter your contract number or make the corresponding selection for interested parties if you do not yet have a contract.
For customers with existing contracts
For interested parties
PrismaLife’s broad range of funds includes funds with and without guarantees, asset management funds and managed strategies from renowned national and international investment companies such as BlackRock, Carmignac, DJE, DWS, Flossbach von Storch, Nordea and Templeton for short, medium and long-term investment and pension provision. You can choose from far more than 150 funds, including ETFs, equity funds, bond funds, money market funds, theme funds, environmental and sustainability funds, regional funds and asset-managing mixed funds.
The key information document
Further information, for example on the investment objective, the target market and the insurance benefits, can be found in the basic information sheets.
Sustainable wealth accumulation with PrismaLife
We also optimise the PrismaLife strategies available for investment in the pension and asset accumulation products for our customers according to ESG criteria. In addition, various funds with a focus on the environment and sustainability are available in the PrismaLife investment universe.