Sustainability-related disclo­sures

As a partic­ipant on the financial market within the meaning of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 on sustainability-related disclosure require­ments in the financial services sector (the so-called Disclosure or Trans­parency Regulation or SFDR), PrismaLife AG is obliged to disclose certain sustainability-related infor­mation at the corporate and product levels.

The status of the following infor­mation is June 30th 2023.

1. Inclusion of sustain­ability risks in investment decision-making processes

The consid­er­ation of sustain­ability risks in the investment decision-making process plays an important role at PrismaLife AG. Sustain­ability risks are under­stood to be events or condi­tions from the environ­mental, social and corporate gover­nance areas, the occur­rence of which could actually or poten­tially have a signif­icant negative impact on the net assets, financial position or results of opera­tions as well as on the reputation of the company.

1.1 Investment process and ESG integration

PrismaLife AG consis­tently pursues a two-stage investment process in its covered asset pool, which includes return, liquidity and risk parameters as wellas ESG objec­tives.

When selecting suitable invest­ments, PrismaLife AG first evaluates classic key figures such as yield, duration and credit­wor­thiness of the issuers. In a second step, PrismaLife AG measures the suitable invest­ments according to these key figures against ESG criteria. Exclusion criteria apply to all new invest­ments, in which a distinction is made between companies and sover­eigns as issuers. In addition, the invest­ments of the covered asset pool should achieve an above-average MSCI ESG score overall. New invest­ments purchased in the course of a financial year should not worsen the ESG score of the portfolio at the end of the year. In addition, the level of CO2 emissions of the portfolio is measured. New invest­ments purchased in the course of a financial year should not worsen the portfolio's CO2 footprint per million euros invested at the end of the year.

Existing invest­ments are regularly monitored according to the same ESG criteria. In the event of a severe breach of the defined exclusion criteria, it will be examined whether PrismaLife AG can reduce the position.

All exclusion criteria per asset class are listed below.

Asset class
Exclusion criteria
Equities and corporate bonds Production of or trade in outlawed weapons (cluster bombs, landmines, etc.) as well as nuclear weapons
Production of biocides (chemicals classified by the WHO as extremely hazardous)
In the treatment of workers violation of principles considered funda­mental by the ILO: Restriction of freedom of associ­ation and the right of collective bargaining, forced labour, child labour, discrim­i­nation and systematic circum­vention of minimum labour standards
Violation of human rights beyond employment relation­ships, e.g. accep­tance of danger to customers, human trafficking, use of violence, violation of self-determination rights
Violation of one or more of the ten principles of the UN Global Compact
Government bonds Author­i­tarian regimes or unfree countries according to the classi­fi­cation of Freedom House
Legal discrim­i­nation against social groups, e.g. women, people with disabil­ities, minorities
Widespread use of child labour
Violation of human rights, e.g. political arbitrariness, torture, restriction of freedom of movement and religion
Massive restriction of press and media freedom
Practicing the death penalty*
Raw materials Exclusion of raw materials from the agricul­tural sector

*PrismaLife AG reserves the right to make invest­ments in US Treasuries up to a maximum of 3% of the investment volume for portfolio management purposes.

1.2 Fund selection for unit-linked life insurance policies

In the available selection of funds, the policy­holder selects a suitable capital investment from one or more of the investment funds offered in accor­dance with his risk preference. The aim is therefore to provide the broadest possible fund universe with which a customer can map his or her individual prefer­ences in terms of investment class, investment focus, risk propensity and sustain­ability prefer­ences. PrismaLife AG supports the topic of sustain­ability in the available selection of funds by system­at­i­cally expanding the range of sustainably oriented funds. As far as possible, sustainable investment options should be offered in every asset class. The percentage of ESG funds in the selec­table fund universe is to exceed 50% by 2023. PrismaLife AG uses a Morningstar assessment to classify a fund as "sustainable", which is also available to customers via the Morningstar Quickrank on the homepage in the fund infor­mation section.

2. Consid­er­ation of adverse sustain­ability impacts

PrismaLife AG, as a long-term oriented life insurer, takes into account environ­mental, social and respon­sible corporate gover­nance principles when selecting assets for its invest­ments. The expla­nation of the main adverse effects on the sustain­ability factors of PrismaLife AG can be found in the following document.

PAI Statement (PDF, German Version with English Summary)

3. Inclusion of sustain­ability risks in the remuner­ation policy

According to Article 5 SFDR, financial partic­i­pants must publish infor­mation on the extent to which their remuner­ation policy is consistent with the inclusion of sustain­ability risks.

The remuner­ation system of PrismaLife AG complies in all its compo­nents (fixed and variable remuner­ation, employee benefits, company social benefits) with the require­ments of stock corpo­ration law and also with the require­ments of insurance super­vision law.

The remuner­ation guide­lines of PrismaLife AG are based on a performance-related fixed remuner­ation system that rewards all genders equally. A central assessment criterion for profes­sional devel­opment is PrismaLife AG's Code of Conduct and Integrity "together, consciously and with spirit". PrismaLife AG does not pay any revenue-related remuner­ation to employees; individual variable remuner­ation is only paid in special excep­tional cases on the basis of quali­tative criteria. The variable remuner­ation of the Executive Board, which is based on quanti­tative criteria, is not linked to the achievement of explicit ESG targets.

The remuner­ation policy with sales partners is designed in such a way that the client's interest is taken into account and advice is provided according to need. No differ­ences are made in the remuner­ation for the brokerage of funds with or without sustain­ability criteria.

1. Sustainability-related disclosure on the security and special assets of PrismaLife AG

1.1 Summary

PrismaLife’s “Sicherungs- and Sonderver­mögen” are managed in a joint portfolio, the so-called covered asset pool. Environ­mental and social charac­ter­istics are promoted, but no sustainable invest­ments will be made. The considered environ­mental and social charac­ter­istics include sector and value-based exclu­sions, a compre­hensive assessment of ESG factors and the CO2 footprint of the invest­ments.

As a sustainable pension specialist, PrismaLife AG consis­tently pursues a two-stage investment process that includes return, liquidity and risk parameters as well as ESG objec­tives. In the first stage, the financial market-oriented analysis is carried out according to asset classes, sectors, yields and maturities as well as classic rating parameters. In the second stage, potential investment products are screened against ESG criteria and priori­tised if necessary. The investment decision is then made according to the better ESG score in each case and the lowest possible CO2 footprint, as well as consid­ering the defined exclusion criteria. Data from a renowned external data provider special­ising in sustain­ability analysis is used to evaluate the investment options (currently MSCI ESG Research). Existing invest­ments are regularly monitored according to the same ESG criteria. In the event of severe viola­tions or contro­versies, it is examined whether the position can be reduced.

1.2 No sustainable investment objective

This financial product promotes environ­mental or social charac­ter­istics, but does not have as its objective sustainable investment.

1.3 Environ­mental or social charac­ter­istics of the financial product

The environ­mental and social charac­ter­istics of this financial product include the following:

  • Sector and value-based exclu­sions: Exclusion criteria are applied to invest­ments. A distinction is made between criteria for companies and sover­eigns.
  • ESG assessment: PrismaLife AG uses the service of the external data provider MSCI ESG Research to assess investment options using a compre­hensive ESG rating. The invest­ments of the covered asset pool should show an above-average ESG score overall. In addition, new invest­ments purchased during the financial year should not worsen the ESG score of the portfolio at the end of the year.
  • Green­house gas emissions: The CO2 emissions of the investment portfolio are evaluated on a regular basis. New invest­ments purchased during the financial year should not worsen the portfolio’s CO2 footprint per million euros invested at the end of the year.

1.4 Investment strategy

In its covered asset pool, PrismaLife pursues a delib­er­ately conser­v­ative investment policy based on sustain­ability criteria. The primary objective is to generate the annual interest oblig­a­tions. This goal is to be achieved by investing in sustainable assets also in the future.
When selecting suitable invest­ments, the first step is to evaluate classic key figures such as yield, duration and credit­wor­thiness of the issuers. In a second step, invest­ments suitable according to these key figures are measured against ESG criteria. Exclusion criteria apply to all new invest­ments, distin­guishing between companies and sover­eigns as issuers. In addition, the invest­ments of the covered asset pool should achieve an above-average MSCI ESG score overall. New invest­ments purchased during the course of a financial year should not worsen the ESG score of the portfolio at the end of the year. In addition, the level of CO2 emissions of the portfolio is measured. New invest­ments purchased during the financial year should not worsen the portfolio’s CO2 footprint per million euros invested at the end of the year.
Existing invest­ments are regularly monitored according to the same ESG criteria. In the event of a severe breach of the defined exclusion criteria, it is examined whether the position can be reduced.
The assessment of good gover­nance practices of the investee companies is considered in various aspects of the sustain­ability strategy pursued. On the one hand, when deter­mining the MSCI ESG rating, it is assessed, among other things, whether the corporate gover­nance poses material risks to the investment. In addition, minimum protection measures are anchored in the applicable exclusion criteria. Good gover­nance practices in terms of democ­ratic gover­nance are also assessed for sovereign bonds. All exclusion criteria are also regularly monitored for invest­ments in the portfolio. In the event of severe viola­tions or contro­versies, it is examined whether the position can be reduced.

1.5 Proportion of invest­ments

This financial product promotes environ­mental or social charac­ter­istics, but does not have as its objective sustainable investment. Invest­ments are mainly made in invest­ments that focus on environ­mental or social charac­ter­istics. These invest­ments are made to achieve the promoted environ­mental or social charac­ter­istics. In addition, cash may be held in the portfolio for liquidity purposes and strategic consid­er­a­tions. Furthermore, the category «Other invest­ments» may also include invest­ments for which no sustain­ability data is available.

1.6 Monitoring of environ­mental or social charac­ter­istics

The environ­mental and social charac­ter­istics of the assets in the portfolio are reviewed regularly, but at least once a year. PrismaLife uses the service of the external data provider MSCI ESG Research to evaluate the invest­ments on the basis of a compre­hensive ESG rating, CO2 footprint and the defined exclusion criteria. The results of the analyses are presented to the Investment Committee. In the case of severe findings, it is examined whether the position can be reduced.

1.7 Method­ologies for environ­mental or social charac­ter­istics

PrismaLife uses the service of the external dataprovider MSCI ESG Research, that provides compre­hensive sustain­ability data. The respon­sible employees at PrismaLife are trained in the use of this data and always keep their knowledge on the subject of sustain­ability up to date. At the heart of the analysis is the MSCI ESG Score, which combines a variety of data on the handling of sustain­ability risks and oppor­tu­nities as well as on adverse sustain­ability impacts into a rating for companies and sover­eigns. In addition, data on CO2 footprints and contro­versies in connection with the defined exclusion criteria is evaluated.

1.8 Data sources and processing

PrismaLife uses sustain­ability data provided by MSCI ESG Research to assess the defined exclusion criteria and to calculate the ESG score and the CO2 footprint of the portfolio. PrismaLife does not estimate any data at the current time.

1.9 Limita­tions to method­ologies and data

Invest­ments for which MSCI ESG Research does not provide data can be made as part of the category «Other Invest­ments». These invest­ments will be included in the regular analysis. If data becomes available that would argue against an investment, the case will be considered by the Investment Committee and it will be examined whether the position can be reduced.

1.10 Due diligence

PrismaLife AG considers the principle adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustain­ability factors in the areas of environment, social affairs and employment, respect for human rights and the fight against corruption and bribery in order to maintain due diligence in the invest­ments of the covered asset pool. In the area of environment, special consid­er­ation is given to green­house gas emissions and in the area of social affairs and employment to viola­tions of UNGC principles and involvement in contro­versial weapons. These topics are anchored in the defined exclusion criteria and are regularly monitored.
This ensures that invest­ments are not made in companies and/or financial instru­ments with partic­u­larly high adverse impacts on sustain­ability factors. If an increase in adverse impacts is identified in existing invest­ments, it is examined whether the affected positions can be reduced.

1.11 Engagement policies

PrismaLife currently does not hold any direct equity invest­ments and therefore cannot exercise any active voting rights in the sense of an ESG engagement. In addition, in view of the compar­a­tively small covered asset pool, PrismaLife has hardly any oppor­tu­nities to influence ESG aspects by actively exercising voting rights.

Pre-contractual ESG infor­mation
Sicherungsver­mögen der PrismaLife AG (PDF, German Version)
Sonderver­mögen Taggeld (PDF, German Version)

2. Sustainability-related disclosure on the insurance products of PrismaLife AG

Sustainability-related infor­mation on PrismaLife insurance tariffs can be found on the page of the respective tariff.

FID - PrismaFlex­Invest
FIPD - PrismaFlex­In­vestPlus
DV Bertrandt - Direk­tver­sicherung Bertrandt

Status June 30th 2023: In the updated version, the "infor­mation at a company level" has been extended to include the statement on the adverse sustain­ability impacts (PAI statement) in accor­dance with CDR 2022/1288.

Status April 1st 2023:The infor­mation on sustain­ability according to the Regulation on Sustain­ability Disclosure Require­ments in the Financial Services Sector (EU) 2019/2088 pursuant to Art. 3-5 was previ­ously deposited in the annex of the sustain­ability report. In the updated version, the texts on sustain­ability risks in investment decision-making processes pursuant to Art. 3 SFDR have been clarified and stream­lined. The exclusion criterion for sovereign bonds "author­i­tarian regimes" was specified by the addition of "or unfree countries according to the Freedom House classi­fi­cation".

The infor­mation on the remuner­ation policy in connection with the consid­er­ation of sustain­ability risks pursuant to Art. 5 SFDR was supple­mented by the statement on the variable remuner­ation of the Executive Board.

Status December 30th 2022: Publi­cation of the product-related disclo­sures pursuant to Art. 10 SFDR.

Sustainability-related disclo­sures

As a partic­ipant on the financial market within the meaning of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 on sustainability-related disclosure require­ments in the financial services sector (the so-called Disclosure or Trans­parency Regulation or SFDR), PrismaLife AG is obliged to disclose certain sustainability-related infor­mation at the corporate and product levels.

Sustainability-related disclosure on the security and special assets of PrismaLife AG

1. Summary

PrismaLife's protection and special assets are managed in a joint portfolio, the so-called cover pool. Environ­mental and social features are adver­tised, but no sustainable invest­ments are targeted. The considered environ­mental and social charac­ter­istics include sector and value-based exclu­sions, a compre­hensive assessment of ESG factors and the CO2 intensity of the invest­ments.
As a sustainable pension specialist, PrismaLife AG consis­tently follows a two-stage investment process that includes return, liquidity and risk parameters as well as ESG objec­tives. In the first stage, the financial market-oriented analysis is carried out according to asset classes, sectors, yields and maturities as well as classic rating ratios. In the second stage, potential investment products are screened against ESG criteria and priori­tised if necessary. The investment decision is then made according to the better ESG score in each case and the lowest possible CO2 intensity, as well as consid­ering the defined exclusion criteria. Data from a recog­nised external data provider special­ising in sustain­ability analysis is used to evaluate the investment options (currently MSCI ESG Research). Existing invest­ments are regularly monitored according to the same ESG criteria. In the event of serious viola­tions or contro­versies, it is examined whether the position can be reduced.

2. No signif­icant impairment of the sustainable investment objective

This financial product adver­tises environ­mental or social features, but does not aim at sustainable invest­ments.

3. Environ­mental or social charac­ter­istics of the financial product

The environ­mental and social features of this financial product include the following:

  • Sector and value-based exclu­sions: Exclusion criteria are applied to invest­ments. A distinction is made between criteria for companies and states.
  • ESG assessment: PrismaLife uses the service of the external data provider MSCI ESG Research to assess investment options using a compre­hensive ESG rating. The invest­ments of the cover pool should show an above-average ESG score overall. In addition, new invest­ments purchased during the financial year should not worsen the ESG score of the portfolio at the end of the year.
  • Green­house gas emissions: The CO2 intensity of the investment portfolio is evaluated regularly. Invest­ments with the lowest possible CO2 intensity shall be preferred and the CO2 emissions of the entire portfolio shall be below those of a non-ESG-optimised comparison portfolio.
4. Investment strategy

In its cover pool, PrismaLife pursues a delib­er­ately conser­v­ative investment policy based on sustain­ability criteria. The primary objective is to generate the annual interest oblig­a­tions. This goal should also be achieved in the future by investing in sustainable invest­ments.
When selecting suitable invest­ments, classical key figures such as yield, duration and credit­wor­thiness of the issuers are first evaluated. In a second step, invest­ments suitable according to these key figures are measured against ESG criteria. Exclusion criteria apply to all new invest­ments, distin­guishing between companies and govern­ments as issuers. In addition, the invest­ments of the cover pool should achieve an above-average MSCI ESG score overall. New invest­ments purchased during the course of a financial year should not worsen the ESG score of the portfolio at the end of the year. In addition, the level of CO2 emissions of the portfolio is measured. Invest­ments with the lowest possible CO2 intensity shall be preferred and the CO2 emissions of the entire portfolio shall be below those of a non-ESG-optimised comparison portfolio.
Existing invest­ments are regularly monitored according to the same ESG criteria. In the event of a breach of the defined exclusion criteria, it is examined whether the position can be reduced.
The evalu­ation of good corporate gover­nance practices is considered in various aspects of the sustain­ability strategy pursued. On the one hand, when deter­mining the MSCI ESG rating, it is assessed, among other things, whether material risks for the investment emanate from the corporate gover­nance. In addition, minimum protection measures are anchored in the applicable exclusion criteria. Good gover­nance practices in terms of democ­ratic gover­nance are also assessed for sovereign bonds. All exclusion criteria are also regularly monitored for invest­ments in the portfolio. In the event of serious viola­tions or contro­versies, it is examined whether the position can be reduced.

5. Allocation of invest­ments

This financial product adver­tises environ­mental or social features but does not aim for sustainable invest­ments. Invest­ments are mainly made in invest­ments that focus on environ­mental or social charac­ter­istics. These invest­ments are made to achieve the adver­tised environ­mental or social charac­ter­istics. In addition, cash may be held in the portfolio for liquidity purposes and strategic consid­er­a­tions. Furthermore, the category «Other invest­ments» may also include invest­ments for which no sustain­ability data is available.

6. Monitoring of environ­mental or social charac­ter­istics

The environ­mental and social charac­ter­istics of the invest­ments in the portfolio are reviewed regularly, but at least once a year. PrismaLife uses the service of the external data provider MSCI ESG Research to evaluate the invest­ments on the basis of a compre­hensive ESG rating, CO2 intensity and the defined exclusion criteria. The results of the analyses are presented to the Investment Committee. In the case of serious findings, it is examined whether the position can be reduced.

7. Methods for ecological or social charac­ter­istics

PrismaLife uses the service of the external data provider MSCI ESG Research, which provides compre­hensive sustain­ability data. The respon­sible employees at PrismaLife are trained in the use of this data and always keep their knowledge on the subject of sustain­ability up to date. At the heart of the analysis is the MSCI ESG Score, which combines a variety of data on the handling of sustain­ability risks and oppor­tu­nities as well as on adverse sustain­ability impacts into a rating for companies and countries. In addition, data on CO2 intensity and contro­versies in connection with the defined exclusion criteria are evaluated.

8. Data sources and processing

PrismaLife uses sustain­ability data provided by MSCI ESG Research to assess the defined exclusion criteria and to calculate the ESG score and the CO2 intensity of the portfolio. PrismaLife does not estimate any data at the current time.

9. Limitation on methods and data

Invest­ments for which MSCI ESG Research does not provide data may be made under «Other Invest-ments». These invest­ments will be included in the regular analysis. In the event that data becomes available that would argue against an investment, the case will be considered by the Investment Committee and whether the position can be reduced.

10. Due dilli­gence oblig­a­tion­suties of care

PrismaLife considers the most signif­icant adverse effects of investment decisions on sustain­ability factors in the areas of environment, social affairs and employment, respect for human rights and the fight against corruption and bribery in order to maintain due diligence in the invest­ments of the cover pool. Special consid­er­ation is given to green­house gas emissions in the area of the environment and to sviola­tions of UNGC principles and involvement in contro­versial weapons in the area of social affairs and employment. These topics are anchored in the defined exclusion criteria and are regularly monitored.
This ensures that invest­ments are not made in companies and/or financial instru­ments with partic­u­larly high adverse impacts on sustain­ability factors. If an increase in adverse impacts is identified in existing invest­ments, it is examined whether the affected positions can be reduced.

11. Partic­i­pation policy

PrismaLife currently does not hold any direct equity invest­ments and can therefore not actively exercise any voting rights in the sense of an ESG commitment. In addition, in view of the compar­a­tively small cover pool, PrismaLife has hardly any oppor­tu­nities to influence ESG aspects by actively exercising voting rights.

Sustainability-related disclosure on the insurance products of PrismaLife AG

Sustainability-related infor­mation on PrismaLife insurance tariffs can be found on the page of the respective tariff.