Prisma Direktversicherung Bertrandt

Blicken Sie entspannt in Ihre finanzielle Zukunft. Prisma FlexInvest (DE) ist eine fondsgebundene Rentenversicherung für Ihre private Vorsorge. Sie passt sich Ihren individuellen Lebensumständen an und bietet Ihnen maximale Flexibilität in jeder Lebensphase. Profitieren Sie jetzt von den vielfältigen Anlagemöglichkeiten und sichern Sie Ihre Rente.
Einzahlungen sind als Einmalbeitrag oder als laufende Beitragszahlungen möglich. Darüber hinaus können Sie dynamische Anpassungen vereinbaren.
Zusammen mit Ihrem Berater wählen Sie die zu Ihnen passenden Beiträge. Ihr Berater berechnet mit unserer Software Ihren persönlichen Versicherungsverlauf.

Prisma Direktversicherung Bertrandt

Sustainability-related disclosure

1. Summary

Ecological or social features are advertised with this product, as sustainable investment options can be selected in the savings phase. In the pension phase, the protection assets of PrismaLife AG are also advertised with ecological and social features (link Sustainability-related disclosure on the security and special assets). Detailed information on the ecological or social features of the selectable funds and on the protection assets can be accessed via the download links in the fund information.

2. No sustainable investment objective

This financial product advertises environmental or social features, but does not aim at sustainable investments.

3. Environmental or social characteristics of the financial product

This product offers a varying share in the free fund investment during the accumulation phase depending on your chosen guarantee level. Our range of funds includes funds that aim for sustainable investments (EU SFDR Art. 9), funds that promote environmental or social features (EU SFDR Art. 8) and funds that do not pursue an explicit sustainability strategy. The current selection can be found in the document “Fund Information”.
For the portion of your investment that cannot be freely selected and during the pension phase, the funds are invested in PrismaLife’s protection assets. The protection assets promote ecological or social features. Details on this can be found on our homepage in the sustainability-related disclosures on the protection and special assets of PrismaLife AG (Link).
Detailed information on the environmental or social characteristics of the eligible funds can be found for funds pursuant to Art. 8 and 9 EU SFDR in the pre-contractual ESG information prepared by the respective capital management companies. For all other funds, you will find information on dealing with sustainability risks in the fund prospectuses. Both documents can be accessed via download links in the fund information.

4. Investment strategy

You are free to determine part of your investment strategy during the savings phase by choosing the funds that suit you from our range of funds. You can choose from investment funds that pursue sustainable investment strategies and those that do not include sustainability aspects in their investment strategy.
Examples of criteria that funds may include in their investment decision are the following topics:

  • Environmental: conservation of wildlife, protection of natural resources, the atmosphere and coastal waters, mitigation of land degradation and climate change, avoidance of encroachment on ecosystems and loss of biodiversity
  • Social: universal human rights, prohibition of child labour and forced labour, mandatory non-discrimination, health and safety at work, fair working conditions and adequate pay
  • Good corporate governance: corporate principles of the International Corporate Governance Network, anti-corruption principles
5. Allocation of investments

The allocation of investments depends on your fund selection.

6. Monitoring of environmental or social characteristics

We continuously monitor the quality of our fund range, including reviewing aspects of sustainability. For this purpose, we use external data providers (currently Morningstar and MSCI ESG Research).

7. Methods for environmental or social characteristics

The information on the sustainability of the funds published by the capital management companies (KVGs) within the framework of the European ESG Template (EET) is checked for plausibility by our specialists. In the event of findings, we establish a dialogue with the responsible KVGs. In addition, we regularly compare the information from the EET with the assessments of external data providers and make all necessary information available to our clients.

8. Data sources and processing

PrismaLife obtains data from recognised external data providers specialising in fund data and sustainability analyses (currently Morningstar and MSCI ESG Research). The fund data is integrated into our systems and can thus be made available to customers on a regularly updated basis.

9. Limitation regarding methods and data

Due to the update intervals in our systems, it is possible that data may not correspond to the daily updated status. Daily updated data can be obtained via the Morningstar Quickrank on our homepage.

10. Due diligence obligations

PrismaLife takes into account the most significant adverse effects of investment decisions on sustainability factors in the areas of the environment, social affairs and employment, respect for human rights and the fight against corruption and bribery in order to maintain due diligence in the investments of the security assets. Special consideration is given to greenhouse gas emissions in the area of the environment and to violations of UNGC principles and involvement in controversial weapons in the area of social affairs and employment. These topics are anchored in the defined exclusion criteria and are regularly monitored.
This ensures that investments are not made in companies and/or financial instruments with particularly high adverse impacts on sustainability factors. If an increase in adverse impacts is identified in existing investments, it is examined whether the affected positions can be reduced.

11. Participation policy

PrismaLife currently does not hold any direct equity investments and can therefore not actively exercise any voting rights in the sense of an ESG commitment. In addition, in view of the comparatively small cover pool, PrismaLife has hardly any opportunities to influence ESG aspects by actively exercising voting rights.

Weitere Informationen


In unserer breit gefächerten Fondspalette stehen Ihnen mehr als 100 Fonds zur Auswahl. Darunter ETFs, Aktienfonds, Rentenfonds, Geldmarktfonds, Themenfonds, Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitsfonds, Regionenfonds und vermögensverwaltende Mischfonds.

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