Valuable advice - flexible remuner­ation

PrismaLife is the innov­ative, high-service pension specialist in Liecht­en­stein for sustainable wealth accumu­lation. As the leading Liecht­en­stein life insurer, we offer unit-linked pension products that adapt to personal budgets, combined with the geographical advan­tages offered by the Princi­pality of Liecht­en­stein as a modern financial centre in the heart of Europe.

For satisfied clients, we rely on qualified advice and the greatest possible trans­parency with regard to products, remuner­ation and costs. Since 2008, PrismaLife has been one of the first insurance companies to offer net tariffs for sustainable and trans­parent asset accumu­lation. These are insurance tariffs that do not include any acqui­sition commis­sions for inter­me­di­aries. Instead, clients and inter­me­di­aries agree on an individual remuner­ation for the advisory service. Our customers appre­ciate the clearly stated advisory fees, which are also repeatedly demanded by consumer protection organ­i­sa­tions.

Facts and figures

Company headquarters

Ruggell, Liecht­en­stein


Holger Beitz, CEO
Volker Schulz, CFO
Alessandro Tulli, CIO

Board of Directors

Dr. Heinz Frommelt, Präsident
Ulrich Lamy
Ralf Sellin




Barmenia Versicherungen a. G.
Onesty Group GmbH

Business activity / Profile

Insurance stock corpo­ration for unit-linked life insurance and biometric covers



Annual reports and SFCR

Investing sustainably following ESG-criterias

In a constantly changing (financial) world the topic of investing sustainably becomes more and more relevant to investors. Money invest­ments according to the so called ESG-criterias (Environment, Social, Gover­nance) is more to us than pure philantropy. It bases on an evalu­ation and a forecast of return of invest­ments and takes for instance into account the regulatory framework such as the Paris Agreement on climate protection and the goals of the UNO for sustainable devel­op­ments.

Inter­na­tional products for sophis­ti­cated demands

By positioning ourselves as a compe­tence centre for inter­na­tional life insurance products, we define our clear strategic role in the cooper­ation with Barmenia Lebensver­sicherung. PrismaLife AG is expanding into new markets with customised products that are tailored to the individual needs of our customers. Our inter­na­tionally positioned team has extensive global expertise.

The Princi­pality of Liecht­en­stein offers us an excellent starting point for entering new markets, as well as attractive investment oppor­tu­nities in a stable economic and political environment.

Liechtenstein's location advantage

As a Liecht­en­stein company, we offer attractive investment options in a stable economic and political context. The Princi­pality of Liecht­en­stein with its triple-A rating additionally affords us and thus our customers a clear location advantage in reference to the EU markets and Switzerland.

Liecht­en­stein as a business location is broadly diver­sified, benefits from liberal economic policy and has very good infra­structure. The compact size enables short decision-making paths. With the Swiss franc as the country's currency, Liecht­en­stein has one of the most stable currencies in the world.

© Liecht­en­stein Marketing

Our engagement

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Our motivation

Especially in times of constant trans­for­mation, exchange within the industry is of crucial impor­tance. For this reason, PrismaLife AG is actively involved in various associ­a­tions, is a member of specialist working groups and maintains close relation­ships with renowned univer­sities.

However, it is not only the transfer of knowledge that is important, but also social commitment. As part of our sustain­ability strategy, we are committed to supporting social projects and thereby making a positive contri­bution to society in the long term.

We are firmly convinced that our profes­sional commitment and assumption of social respon­si­bility contribute to sustainable corporate success.