Gut abgesichert im Alter

Mit den fonds­ge­bun­denen PrismaLife-Vorsorgeprodukten können unsere Kunden entspannt in die Zukunft blicken. Wir bieten Tarife, die sich dem persön­lichen Budget und jeder Lebenssi­t­u­ation anpassen. Dazu stehen Lösungen für die private Vorsorge und den Vermö­gen­saufbau sowie Produkte der betrieblichen Altersvor­sorge zur Verfügung, die zusät­zliche Steuer­vorteile sichern. Darüber hinaus profi­tieren unsere Kunden von den Standortvorteilen, die das Fürstentum Liecht­en­stein als moderner Finanz­platz im Herzen Europas bietet.

Wertvolle Beratung – flexible Vergütung

Für zufriedene Kunden setzen wir auf eine quali­fizierte Beratung sowie die grösst­mögliche Trans­parenz hinsichtlich Produkten, Vergütung und Kosten. Seit 2008 bieten wir für den nachhaltigen und trans­par­enten Vermö­gen­saufbau Netto­tarife an. Das sind Versicherungstarife, in denen keine Abschlusspro­vi­sionen für Vermittler enthalten sind. Kunden und Vermittler verein­baren stattdessen eine individuelle Vergütung der Beratungsleistung. Kunden schätzen die klar ausgewiesenen Beratungskosten, die auch von den Verbrauch­er­schützern immer wieder gefordert werden, können aber auch tradi­tionelle Brutto­tarife mit klassischer Provi­sionsvergütung für den Berater wählen.

Products Germany

Well secured in old age

The unit-linked PrismaLife pension and insurance products give our customers peace of mind about the future. We offer rates that adapt to your personal budget and every life situation. For this purpose, solutions for private pension provision and asset accumu­lation are available. Our customers also benefit from the location advan­tages that Liecht­en­stein offers as a modern financial centre in the heart of Europe.
Prisma FlexInvest

With Prisma FlexInvest you can ease back looking at your finacial future. Our unit-linked annuity insurance offers you a maximum of flexi­bility in every stage of your life.

Prisma FlexIn­vestPlus

You can take sustain­ability charac­ter­istics into account at fund selection.

Prisma Direk­tver­sicherung Bertrandt

You can take sustain­ability charac­ter­istics into account at fund selection.

Your compre­hensive risk protection

At every stage of our lifes we face various risks - securing our existence, protecting our income and ensuring our manpower are the basis for a carefree live. Therefore PrismaLife offers suitable insur­ances for every need and every budget:including all-around coverage, insurance in case of severe diseases and even security for surviving depen­dants in case of death.
Prisma Moments

PrismaLife-Dread disease insurance offers financial security for your family and for valuable moments - even after the diagnose.

Prisma FairPlay

Prisma FairPlay is a term life insurance that adapts to your live. It provides immediate protection for surviving depen­dants up to 150.000 euro insurance sum.

Prisma MultiSafe

You are looking for a reliable all-around insurance? Prisma MultiSafe offers you a contract covering six of the most dangerous life risks. This safes time and money.

Valuable consulting - trans­parent products

To guarantee customer satis­faction we rely on qualified consulting as well as best possible trans­parency when it comes to products, bonuses and costs. Since 2008 we offer premiums with net premiums for sustainable and trans­parent wealth accumu­lation. These are insurance rates that do not contain acqui­sition commis­sions for inter­me­di­aries. Instead customers and inter­me­di­aries agree individ­ually on the commission for the advisory service. Customers appre­ciate the clearly stated costs for the advisory just as the consumer advisors demands this over and over again. However, customers may also choose tradi­tional gross rates with its classical way of handling commis­sions for the inter­me­diary.